Laura McCormick received a 10k CFAC award for her proposal to define proteome changes in the PSD of our Trim9 and Trim67 knockout mice! Stephanie Gupton and Saskia Neher received a 50K award to study LPL trafficking from the School of Medicine Emerging Challenges in Biological Research
Category Archives: Lab Members
New lab preprint on TRIM67, SNAP47 and exocytic mode
Fabio Urbina et al., post a preprint on BioRxiv showing SNARE complex composition distinguishes discrete modes of exocytosis with distinct kinetics and diverse consequences in membrane addition and morphogenesis in developing cortical neurons.
Review by Laura McCormick published in Current Opinion in Cell Biology
Laura and Stephanie publish an invited review, “Mechanistic Advances in Axon Pathfinding, in Current Opinion in Cell Biology.
A Yin Yang of Ligases in Filopodia Regulation
Nick’s final paper from the lab was published online at JCB this week! Congratulations Nick!
Welcome Reggie
Welcome to Reggie Edwards, BBSP student doing a winter rotation examining exocytosis in developing neurons. Welcome Reggie
Welcome Chris Ho and Shannon Rhoads
The Gupton lab is lucky to have two excellent BBSP rotation students this fall rotation. Welcome to Chris Ho and Shannon Rhoads!
Laura McCormick’s F31!
Great new for Laura McCormick from NINDS: her F31 proposal to study VASP and dendritic spines is funded! Congratulations Laura.
OIST: Developing Neural Circuits
Melissa attends the Developing Neural Circuits course at the Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology (OIST). Stephanie also lectures at the course.
Welcome Anna Kim
Anna Kim, an incoming MSTP student at UNC does her first rotation in the lab. Welcome Anna!