Check out Ellen O’Shaughnessy’s first author work now on BioRxiv, in collaboration with David Adalsteinsson, Christophe Leterrier, and Brad Zuchero. We describe a new toolset for robust and versatile analysis of exocytosis mediated by different vSNAREs in primary neurons, primary oligodendrocytes, and migrating melanoma cells.
Category Archives: Publications!
Stephanie visits UCLA
- Stephanie visits University of California Los Angela, invited by Dr. Samantha Butler to give a seminar in the Integrative Center for Neural Repair Seminar Series
Stephanie visits University at Buffalo
Stephanie visits University at Buffalo, invited by Paul Cullen to give a seminar to the Department of Biological Sciences.
Samantha Ryken Rotates
Samantha Ryken joins the lab for winter BBSP rotation. Welcome Samantha!
Stephanie promoted to Full Professor
Stephanie was promoted to Full Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology affective 10/01/2022. Thanks to all current and former lab members.
Welcome rotation student Anca Frasineanu
Anca Frasineanu does her first BBSP rotation in the Gupton lab. Welcome Anca!
Melissa’s Thesis work published in the Journal of Neuroscience
Melissa’s thesis work investigating the schrizophenia linked protein TSNARE1 was published in the Journal of Neuroscience. Melissa shows evidence that TSNARE1 localizes to and alters trafficking through the endolysosomal pathway. This has been such a fun project collaboratively between the Gupton and Brennwald labs that Melissa has driven. Congratulation Melissa!
Announcing Dr. Melissa Plooster!
Fabio Publishes a Methods article in JoVE
Fabio publishes Automated Detection and Analysis of Exocytosis in JoVE, complete with a freeware GUI/App for the analysis he created.
Ellen O’Shaughnessy joins the lab!
Ellen O’Shaughnessy, PhD joins the lab as a staff scientsit, Welcome Ellen!