The Biophysical Society had a fantastic meeting: Quantitative Aspects of Membrane Fusion and Fission in Padova, Italy. Stephanie attended and presented Fabio’s unpublished work. The meeting was inspiring and the venue was amazing.
Category Archives: Lab Members
Nick presents at the Emerging Concepts for the Neuronal Cytoskeleton Meeting
Stephanie was to attend and present Nick’s thesis work at the Emerging Concepts for the Neuronal Cytoskeleton EMBO Meeting in Villarrica, Chile. Unfortunately due to weather, full planes, and plane shortages, her trip was cancelled at the last meeting. Luckily Nick could make it from his postdoc lab at OSU, and will present his work from the Gupton lab to an awesome audience.
Emily Wolfgram receives SURF support for summer research in the lab.
Congratulations to Emily for receiving a 2019 SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)! We are excited to have you in the lab full time this summer Emily.
Laura McCormick wins a travel award at the Departmental Retreat
New Lab Preprint Posted
Nick Boyer, Laura McCormick, Fabio Urbina post a preprint about coordination between TRIM9 and TRIM67 in regulation of filopodia stability and axon guidance.
Recent advances in branching mechanisms underlying neuronal morphogenesis
Shalini Menon publishes a first author commentary of Recent advances in branching mechanisms underlying neuronal morphogenesis in F1000 Research.
Emily Wolfgram attends SACNAS
Emily Wolfgram attended the annual SACNAS conference ( Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) in San Antonio, TX where she won an award for undergraduate poster presentation in the field of Cell/Molecular Biology. Congratulations Emily.
Melissa Plooster gets an F31 NRSA from NIMH
Fabio Urbina heads to the MBL for the Physiology Course
Fabio wil be spending seven weeks in Woods Hole, MA at the historic Physiology Course at the Marine Biological Laboratories.
Anthony Mangan, Ph.D. heads to MBL for AQLM
Congratulations Anthony for being selected to attend the Analytical and Quantitative Light Microscopy Course at the Marine Biological Laboratories.