Gupton Lab News


  • December: The lab is well represented at CellBio23 with 3 talks and 7 posters!
  • November: Laura McCormick defends her thesis
  • October: Anca attends QPath in La Jolla
  • September: Chris Ho and Kimberly win travel awards to attend ASCB/EMBO CellBio2023 meeting
  • September: Stephanie attends and speaks at Membrane fusion and budding meeting of the Biophysical society
  • July: Ellen O’Shaughnessy’s  first author work now on BioRxiv
  • July: Laura McCormick’s first author work now on BioRxiv
  • June: Stephanie presents at the Neurotrophic Mechanisms in Health and Disease GRC.
  • May: Stephanie visits University of California Los Angela, invited by Dr. Samantha Butler  to give a seminar in the Integrative Center for Neural Repair Seminar Series
  • April: We received a Notice of Award for a new R21 from NINDS to study netrin-1 chemotaxis and haptotaxis!  Woohoo
  • April: Two new BBSP students are joining the lab and the Cell Biology and Physiology Curriculum. Welcome to Anca Frasineanu and Sam Ryken!
  • April: Laura McCormick receives a dissertation completion fellowship. Congratulations Laura!
  • March: Senior Undergraduate, Elliot Evans defended his honors thesis in Neuroscience. Congratulations Elliot
  • March: The long awaited  Emerging Concepts of the Neuronal Cytoskeleton, that Stephanie has been organizing the past three years with Christophe Letterier, Carlos Wilson, and Christian Gonzalez Billault is finally here!  Laura McCormick will be presenting a short talk and two posters, and Chris Ho is presenting a poster.
  • January: Chris Ho received a CFAC award for $10,000 to fund an exciting project using light sheet microscopy to examine axon branching in the mouse cortex in vivo. Congratulations Chris!


  • December: Stephanie, Laura, Sampada, Chris, and Kimberly all attended the CellBio22 Meeting by ASCB/EMBO. Everyone had 1-2  posters, sessions. t was great to be in person again! Stephanie chaired a subgroup with Subhojit Roy on the Interplay of Architecture and Function of Cells of the Nervous System, with a lineup of beautiful talks.
  • November: Samantha Ryken joins the lab for winter BBSP rotation. Welcome Samantha!
  • November: Stephanie visits University at Buffalo, invited by Paul Cullen  to give a seminar to the Department of Biological Sciences.
  • October: Stephanie was promoted to Full Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology affective 10/01/2022.  Thanks to all current and former lab members.
  • September:Almost the whole lab attended the local ASCB Triangle Cytoskeleton meeting. Laura, Sampada, Chris, and Elliot presented posters, and Chris won a poster award. Stephanie talked about Laura McCormick’s beautiful thesis work
  • September: Laura McCormick presented her lovely thesis work at the CSHL Meeting Molecular Mechanisms of Neuronal Connectivity
  • September:Kimberly Lukasik was awarded a prestigious HHMI Gilliam Fellowship. Congratulations Kimberly!
  • August: Anca Frasineanu does her first BBSP rotation in the Gupton lab. Welcome Anca!
  • August: Stephanie attends the Neural Development GRC in New Port Rhode Island and talks about Laura McCormick’s beautiful thesis work
  • July: Notice of Award arrives for a Leica Stellaris STED microscope to be housed in the Hooker Imaging Core,  where Stephanie serves as Faculty advisor for Light Microscopy.
  • July: Kimberly Lukasik, graduate student in the Cell Biology and Physiology Curriculum nailed her qualifying exam and is officially a PhD candidate. Congratulations Kimberly!
  • June: Stephanie attends the Dynamics of Cell Polarity GRC in New London New Hampshire and talks about Laura McCormick’s beautiful thesis work
  • May: Undergraduates Elliot Evans (UNC), Amienata Fatajo (UNC) and Claire Ahomo (Georgia Tech) are in  the lab this summer. Welcome to Elliot full time and welcome to new members Amienata and Clare.
  • May: Stephanie visits Mt Sinai Ichan School of Medicine after an invitation from graduate students in the Cell, Developmental, and Regenerative Biology Program.
  • January: Stephanie received a Scialog Team Award through Chemical Machinery of the Cell.  The goal of these awards is to catalyze breakthroughs in fundamental understanding of chemical processes which underlie the workings of intact living cells that will lead to a new era of advancement in cell biology. Along with Alexis Komor, (Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, San Diego) and  Yan Yu (Chemistry, Indiana University), the team will work on the project: Elucidating the Polygenic Origins of Schizophrenia: Linking Protein Trafficking to Synapse Function


  • December: Chris Ho is awarded a two year fellowship from the American Heart Association to investigate Coronin 1A role in TRIM-mediated neuronal morphogenesis. Congratulations Chris!
  • December:  The lab is representing at the annual meeting of the American Society of Cell Biology/EMBO meeting.  Chris Ho is presenting a poster on his work, Laura McCormick is giving a subgroup talk and poster, and Charise White is presenting a poster and a short talk at the doorstep meeting.
  • November: Stephanie visit UMass Amherst to present to the MCB students. Thanks to Lil Fritz-Laylin for the invitation and hosting.
  • November: Melissa’s thesis work investigating the schrizophenia linked protein TSNARE1 was published in the Journal of Neuroscience.  And Melissa is off to start her postdoctoral work at Scripps Research Institute in Xin Jin’s new lab.
  • October: Kimberly Lukasik is nominated for HHMI Gilliam Fellowship.
  • September: Melissa defended her dissertation work on the schizophrenia linked protein tSNARE1
  • September: Fabio publishes Automated Detection and Analysis of Exocytosis in JoVE, complete with a freeware GUI/App for the analysis he created.
  • August: Ellen O’Shaughnessy, PhD joins the lab as a staff scientist.
  • August: Kimberly Lukasik is selected for the MiBio T32 training grant.
  • July: Stephanie Gupton and Gaia Novarino present on July 1, 2021 at the Cytoskeleton of Neuron and Glia virtual seminar series.
  • May: Sampada Mutalik publishes a first author review on Glycosylation in Axonal Guidance
  • April: Kimberly Lukasik  joins the lab  and the cell biology and physiology curriculm for her thesis work. Welcome Kimberly!
  • March: Stephanie presents at the 14th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society
  • March: Dustin Revell heads to the next phase of his career in New Haven. Best wishes Dustin!
  • February: Melissa Plooster’s collaborative preprint between Gupton and Brennwald labs, investigating the Schizophrenia linked protein tSNARE1 is on BioRxiv
  • February: Shalini’s work officially comes out in MBoC with the cover and science sketch.

  • February: Fabio Urbina publishes his first author work, defining exocytic modes, their regulatory mechanisms, and their influence on cell morphology is out in Cell Reports.
  • January:  Shalini Menon publishes a first author paper in Molecular Biology of the Cell detailing the interactome of TRIM9 and TRIM67


  • December: The Gupton Lab attended and presented several posters at the virtual Cell Bio meeting of the ASCB and EMBO.
  • December: Charise White, PhD joins the lab as a Research Specialist to work on TRIM9 in the aging brain. Welcome Charise!
  • November: Shalini published her work using proteomic approaches to define the ubiquitylome of developing neurons.
  • November: Stephanie was invited by Michael Nonet to present at the seminar series of the department of Neuroscience at WashU
  • November: Fabio defends his thesis and is off to start the next phase of his career at Collaborations Pharmaceuticals! Congratulations Fabio!
  • November: Stephanie presents at the virtual seminar series of the membrane trafficking community.
  • November: Welcome Juliet King for the second BBSP rotation.
  • October: Stephanie speaks at the annual meeting of the Indian Academy of Neuroscience in Symposium III: Cytoskeletal and Membrane Adaptations in Neurons, hosted by Arnaub Ghose.
  • October: Shalini Menon, PhD has accepted a position at KBI Pharmaceuticals as Scientist 1. Congratulations Shalini! We will miss you.
  • October: New Preprint  from the lab by Shalini Menon et al is available on BioRxiv. “The TRIM9/TRIM67 neuronal interactome reveals novel activators of morphogenesis”
  • September: Sampada Mutalik, Phd joins the lab for postdoctoral studies. Sampada did her PhD with Arnab Ghosh at IISER Pune and a short postdoc at the Cytomorpho lab. Welcome Sampada!
  • August: Lab receives administrative supplement to for an all-in-one Fluorescence microscope.
  • August: Kimberly Lukasik does her first BBSP rotation in the lab. Welcome Kimberly!
  • August: Dustin Revell, PhD joins the lab after finishing his PhD work in the Yoder lab at UAB.
  • July/August: Lab receives administrative supplement to investigate a potential role for TRIM9 in Alzheimer’s disease.
  • July: Fabio Urbina has been busy, with updates to his BioRxiv preprint about exocytic modes, a review on SNARE mediated exocytosis in neuronal morphogenesis, and is off on an internship for 1 month through the IMPACT program.
  • June:  We are slowly and safely ramping up lab activities after COVID19 shutdown,  at a time when our nation is in  danger from coronavirus and turmoil from the continuous terrible treatment of black lives. We as a lab and as individuals shout Black Lives Matter!  We want science to be a place where everyone is welcome and valued and we pledge to work toward that goal.
  • April: Chris Ho joins the Gupton lab and the Cell Biology and Physiology Curriculum. Welcome to the lab Chris!  We are lucky to work with you.
  • March: The Gupton lab started ramping down our lab work the second week of March, and shuttered our doors on March 17th to socially isolate and slow the spread of coronavirus.  We donated all our available PPE and while we miss the lab, we are happy to do our small part in this battle. We have plenty of writing and data analysis to do at home. See you soon lab!
  • February: Laura McCormick received a 10k CFAC award for her proposal to define proteome changes in the PSD of our Trim9 and Trim67 knockout mice!
  • February:  Stephanie Gupton and Saskia Neher received a 50K award to study LPL trafficking  from the School of Medicine Emerging Challenges in Biological Research
  • February: Fabio Urbina et al., post a preprint on BioRxiv showing SNARE complex composition distinguishes discrete modes of exocytosis with distinct kinetics and diverse consequences in membrane addition and morphogenesis in developing cortical neurons.
  • January: Laura and Stephanie publish and invited review: “Mechanistic Advances in Axon Pathfinding” in Current Opinion in Cell Biology.


  • December: Nick’s paper investigating TRIM67 function during growth cone turning  was published online at JCB this week!  Congratulations Nick and coauthors!
  • December: Stephanie, Fabio, and Laura attended the annual meeting of the ASCB/EMBO in Washington DC, with 2 talks and 4 posters between us (including Shalini Menon and Nick Boyer’s work from the lab).
  • December: Great news for the Lab from NIGMS:  A new R35 for the lab is funding investigating the role of TRIM proteins in regulating cytoskeletal dynamics and membrane delivery in cell shape change.
  • November: Welcome BBSP rotation student Reginald Edwards to the Gupton lab for winter rotation.
  • September: Congratulations to Shannon, selected for a NBIO T32 slot!
  • September: Fabio and Stephanie assisted Theresa Lee in the publication of her thesis work: Vinculin and metavinculin exhibit distinct effects on focal adhesion properties, cell migration, and mechanotransduction.
  • August: Welcome BBSP rotation students Chris Ho and Shannon Rhoads to the Gupton lab for fall rotation.
  • August 2019: Great new for Laura McCormick from NINDS: her F31 proposal to study VASP and dendritic spines is funded! Congratulations Laura.
  • August 2019:  Great news for the Lab from NINDS:  A new R01 for the lab is funding investigating the fundamentals of exocytosis in developing neurons.
  • August 2019: Melissa attends the Developing Neural Circuits course at the Okinawa Institute for Science and Technology (OIST).  Stephanie also lectures at the course.
  • July 2019: Stephanie presents at the Motile and Contractile Systems Gordon Research conference in New London, NH.
  • June 2019: Anna Kim, an incoming MSTP student at UNC does her first rotation in the lab. Welcome Anna!
  • May 2019: Stephanie was elected to a three year term to ASCB council, along with Bill Bement, Needhi Bhalla, and Jordan Raff.
  • May 2019: Clare Waterman, Stephanie’s PhD advisor, was recently inducted to the National Academy of Sciences!  Stephanie went to celebrate Clare’s awesome accomplishments and science at a special symposium, Watermanfest, held at the NIH.
  • May 2019: Stephanie presents at a thematic meeting of the Biophysical Society:  Quantitative Aspects of Membrane Fusion and Fission in Padova, Italy.
  • April 2019: Stephanie was to attend and present Nick’s thesis work at the Emerging Concepts for the Neuronal Cytoskeleton EMBO Meeting in Villarrica, Chile. Unfortunately due to weather, full planes, and plane shortages, her trip was cancelled at the last meeting. Luckily Nick could make it from his postdoc lab at OSU, and will present his work from the Gupton lab to an awesome audience.
  • April 2019: Congratulations to Emily for receiving a 2019 SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship)!
  • April 2019: Congratulations to Laura McCormick for winning a $500 travel award for her awesome poster presentation at the Cell Biology and Physiology retreat.
  • April 3,  2019: Stephanie was interviewed on WUNC’s the State of Things discussing the impact of Santiago Ramón y Cajal on neuroscience and art.
  • February 2019 : A new PreLights  nicely highlights the significance of our recent preprint and summarizes our major findings.
  • February 2019: Nick Boyer, Laura McCormick, Fabio Urbina post a preprint about coordination between TRIM9 and TRIM67 in regulation of filopodia stability and axon guidance.
  • February 2019: Lab receives a notice of award from the Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience!
  • January 2019: Stephanie is an invited speaker at the Gordon Research Conference on Directed Cell Migration.
  • January 2019: Denise Montell pens a beautiful spotlight
  • in Developmental Cell on Nick’s eNeuro paper.
  • January 2019: Nicholas Boyer leaves the Gupton lab to start his postdoc in Anthony Brown’s lab at Ohio State University.  Congratulations Nick! We will miss you.


  • December 2018: Fabio and Stephanie head to ASCB to present and learn.
  • December 3, 2018: Nicholas Boyer defends his thesis. A beautiful delivery of an amazing amount of work over the last years in the lab.
  • November 2018: Shalini Menon publishes a first author commentary of  Recent advances in branching mechanisms underlying neuronal morphogenesis in F1000 Research.
  • October 2018: Stephanie spent a few thoughtful days in the high desert of Tucson discussing the Chemical Machinery of the Cell, a Scialog event hosted by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement.
  • October 2018: Emily Wolfgram attends the annual SACNAS conference ( Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science) in San Antonio, TX where she won an award for undergraduate poster presentation in the field of Cell/Molecular Biology. Congratulations Emily!
  • September 2018: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Yun Chen for the Department of Mechanical Engineering  seminar at John Hopkins University
  • September 2018: Melissa Plooster is awarded an F31 predoctoral fellowship from the National Institute of Mental Health for her thesis work.
  • August 2018: We have several new undergraduate researchers in the lab. Welcome to Chris Hardie, Mayra Correa-Ramirez, and TJ Turner.
  • July 2018: Nick Boyer and Stephanie publish a review: Netrin-1, the one who guides axons, in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.
  • June 2018: Fabio Urbina is attending the historic Physiology course at MBL.
  • May2018: Nick Boyer’s first author paper describing the evolutionary conservation of TRIM67, and the neuroanatomical and behavioral deficits associated with germline deletion is published in eNeuro.
  • May 2018:  Laura McCormick is joining the Gupton Lab and the Cell Biology and Physiology Curriculum!  Welcome Laura!
  • May 2018: Anthony Mangan attends the AQLM at MBL, and Emily Wolfgram attends SRTP and UCSF.
  • April 2018: Fabio Urbina is inducted into Sigma Xi, the scientific research honor society, Congratulations Fabio.
  • April 2018:  Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Kristen  Skruber and John Calise for the graduate student invited seminar at the University of Florida, Molecular Cell Biology concentration.
  • April 2018: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Louis Eric Trudeau for the Department of Neuroscience  seminar at the University of Montreal
  • March 2018:  Stephanie Gupton and Kenn Campellone publish a meetings highlight of the Actin dynamics and function minisymposium at the 2017 annual meeting of the ASCB.
  • February 22 2018: The lab spent the day at the annual UNC CBP Research Day. What a great day of science and collegiality. And Fabio Urbina won a poster presentation award. Congratulations Fabio!
  • January 19 2018: Fabio’s first author publication, “Spatiotemporal organization of exocytosis emerges during neuronal shape change” appears at the Journal of Cell Biology! Congratulations Fabio!


  • December 2017: UNC SPIRE fellow, Dr. Anthony Mangan, PhD joins the Gupton lab! Welcome Anthony!
  • December 2017: Gupton Lab takes the annual ASCB/EMBO meeting by storm in Philadelphia: Nick Boyer gives a talk in the Actin Dynamics and Function Minisymposium, Melissa Plooster gives a talk in the Advances in Neuronal Cell Biology Microsymposium, and Fabio, Shalini, and Carolina all present posters!
  • December 2017: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Peter Baas for the Department of Neuroscience and Anatomy seminar at Drexel University
  • September 2017: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Tim Gomez for the Department of Neuroscience seminar series at the University Wisconsin – Madison
  • September 2017: We received a notice of award to upgrade our beloved Olympus TIRF microscope!
  • August 2017: BBSP first year students Laura McCormick and Shenee’ Martin are rotating in the lab. Welcome Laura and Shenee’! Saumil Patel joins the Gupton lab as a new undergrad. Welcome Saumil!
  • July 2017: Nick Boyer and Stephanie Gupton are attending the Gordon Research Conference at Colby Sawyer College in beautiful New London, New Hampshire, to confer about Motile and Contractile Systems. This awesome conferences takes place every other year and is a favorite.
  • July 2017: Melissa Plooster is selected for a position on the new MiBio T32 Training Program in Mechanistic, Interdisciplinary Studies of Biological Systems. Congratulations Melissa!!!!
  • June 2017:Fabio Urbina receives a notice of award for his F31 application funded by NINDS. Congragulations Fabio!!!! 
  • May 2017:Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Tim Kennedy for a Killam Seminar in the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) at McGill University. 
  • April 2017: Stephanie Gupton is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill!
  • March 2017: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Rejji Kuruvilla for a seminar of the Biology Department at John Hopkins University


  • Via Twitter, we found out that Lin-Manuel Miranda gave his wife for Christmas Stephanie’s 2011 Koch Image Award winning image! What an honor to have a famous person of the arts recognize and appreciate the beauty and importance of the scientific pursuit of knowledge. Science is life is art!
  • The Gupton lab takes ASCB by force. Fabio Urbina gave a microsymposium talk and poster, Melissa Plooster had two posters, and Nick Boyer and Shalini Menon each presented a poster.  It was a great time for lab camaraderie. Stephanie also was honored as a Emerging Leader Finalist by the ASCB. Stephanie Gupton and Laura Anne Lowery co-hosted a member organized subgroup meeting: Neuronal Cell Biology: Cytoskeleton and Trafficking at the ASCB annual meeting. We had a spectacular session with beautiful presentations and an active audience.
  • November 2016: At the annual meeting for the Society for Neuroscience (SFN), Reid’s image for our JNeuro collaborative paper was all over the place: the program, the signage and even a city bus!!
  • November 2016: Stephanie Gupton receives a Outstanding Young Alumnus award from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at her alma mater, North Carolina State University
  • November 2016: Nathan McDonald gives a seminar to the lab  about his thesis research in Kathy Gould’s lab at Vanderbilt.
  • November 2016: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Clare Waterman for a seminar of the Cell Biology and Physiology Group at the National Institute of Heart, Lung and Blood.
  • November 2016: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Rafael Garcia-Mata and Guofa Liu for a seminar of the Biology Department a at the University of Toledo.
  • October 2016: Shalini Menon receives a travel award to attend the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology from the UNC Office of Postdoctoral Affairs. Congrats Shalini!
  • September 2016: Melissa Plooster receives a travel award to attend the annual meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology at the Triangle Cytoskeleton Meeting of ASCB. Congrats Melissa!
  • September 2016: Stephanie Gupton wins a 2016 Outstanding Mentor Award from the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at UNC, and will be recognized at an award ceremony in November.
  • September 2016: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Noelle Dwyer for a joint seminar of the Cell Biology Department and Neuroscience Department at the University of Virginia.
  • September 2016: Cortney and Reid’s JNeuro paper is featured as a “Journal Club Article” at the Journal of Neuroscience.
  • August 2016: A number of new undergrads join the lab. Welcome Andrew Bock, Dave Richard, Enaj Furigay, Divya Mahesh, and Priya Vasan.
  • June 2016: Cortney Winkle, PhD  starts her postdoc at UVA in the Kipnis Lab.
  • May 2016: Joel Anil, rising junior at UNC joins the Gupton Lab. Welcome Joel!
  • May 4  2016:  Cortney Winkle and Reid Olsen publish a co-first author article in The Journal of Neuroscience that extends defects in Trim9-/- embryonic and adult-born hippocampal neurons to behavioral deficits in spatial learning and memory. And they got the cover!
  • April 25 2016: Melissa Plooster joins the Gupton Lab and the Brennwald Lab. Welcome Melissa!
  • April  2016: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Gianluca Gallo at Temple University in the Shriner’s Hospitals Pediatric Research Center Seminar Series.
  • March  2016:  Lab received notice of award for R21MH109653 “Identification of ubiquitinated substrates of TRIM9 and TRIM67”!!
  • March  2016:  Cortney Winkle, Carey Hanlin, and Stephanie publish a methods paper in the Journal of Visualized Experiments.
  • March  2016: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Laura Anne Lowery in the Boston College Biology Seminar Series.
  • March  2016: Stephanie Gupton gives her promotion seminar in the Cell Biology and Physiology seminar series.
  • February  2016: Nicholas Boyer is awarded an F31 NRSA from NINDS: “TRIM67 regulates growth cone filopodia during netrin-dependent axon guidance.” Congratulations Nick!!!
  • February  2016: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Julie Canman and Ulrich Hengst in the Columbia University Pathology and Cell Biology Seminar Series
  • February  2016: 1st year BBSP student Jesse Niehaus is rotating in the Gupton Lab. Welcome Jesse!
  • January 2016: Stephanie receives the 2016 UNC Jr. Faculty Development Award.


  • December  2015: Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Shalini Menon and graduate student Nick Boyer have co-first author paper published in Developmental Cell.  We were honored with a preview penned by Dr. Thomas Pollard and the selection of Nick’s image chosen for the cover!  Trifecta!
  • December 2015: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Yimin  Zou for a special seminar at UCSD

  • November  2015: 1st year BBSP student Melissa Plooster is rotating in the Gupton Lab. Welcome Melissa!
  • November 4 2015: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Tom Pollard in the Yale University Cell Biology Seminar Series
  • October 22 2015: Stephanie Gupton presents in the UNC Neuroscience Seminar Series
  • October 2015: Gupton lab NBIO students Cortney Winkle and Nicholas Boyer represent at the annual SFN meeting. Cortney is presenting a nanosymposium talk and a poster, and Nick is presenting a poster.
  • September 2015: Stephanie is the invited alumni speaker for the Scripps Research Institute Graduate Student Retreat at Lake Arrowhead.
  • September 2015: Fabio Urbina receives a travel award to attend the annual ASCB meeting in San Diego. Congrats Fabio!
  • June 2015: Fabio Urbina and Stephanie Gupton awarded an R01 Supplement to support 24 months of Fabio’s graduate training!
  • June 2015: Cortney Winkle attends St. Jude’s Graduate Student retreat
  • May 2015: Jenci Hawthorne from Omar Quintero’s Lab at the University of Richmond visits for  summer research
  • May 2015: Undergrad Maite Ghazelah graduates from UNC and heads to graduate school at UGA.     Congratulations Maite!
  • April 2015: Fabio Urbina joins the lab! Welcome Fabio!
  • March 2015: Stephanie is hosted by David Sherwood to present in the Devlopmental and Stem Cell Biology Colloquium at Duke.


  • December 2014: Cortney Winkle receives travel award to attend annual ASCB meeting in Philadelphia. Congrats Cortney!
  • November 2014: Stephanie Gupton gives a talk at the MBI Workshop on Axonal Transport and Neuronal Mechanics
  • November 2014: Stephanie Gupton is hosted by Gant Luxton at the University of Minnesota Cell Biology Seminar
  • October 2014: Cortney Winkle awarded an F31 NRSA funding from NINDS, “TRIM9 controls signaling downstream of netrin in axon guidance and branching.” Congratulations Cortney!
  • July 2014: Collaborative paper published with Dr. Melanie Barzik, Dr. Leslie McClain, and Dr. Frank Gertler in Molecular Biology of the Cell
  • June 2014: Nick Boyer funded by the UNC Neurobiology Curriculum NIH/NINDS T32 training grant
  • June 2014: Dr. Shalini Menon awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association. Congratulations Shalini!
  • May 2014: Lab Receives URC Pilot Project Grant
  • May 2014: Nick Boyer joins the Neurobiology Curriculum and the Gupton Lab. Welcome Nick!
  • April 2014: Cortney Winkle publishes a first author paper in the Journal of Cell Biology.
  • January 2014: The lab is funded by NIH/NIGMS R01-.GM108970 “TRIM9 coordinates membrane trafficking and cytoskeletal dynamics!”


  • December 2013: Dr. Shalini Menon gives a minisymposium talk at the annual meeting for the American Society of Cell Biology
  • June 2013: Dr. Shalini Menon joins the Gupton Lab. Welcome Shalini!


  • May 2012: Cortney Winkle joins the Neurobiology Curriculum and the Gupton Lab. Welcome Cortney!