Confocal Sections
Axon Branching in the Corpus Callosum increases in absence of TRIM9 Download Full Resolution TIFS
DCC clustering
Netrin dependent clustering fails to occur in absence of TRIM9
Netrin Dependent Clustering off non-ubiquitinatable DCC-KR
TRIM9 deletion increase VAMP2-mediated exocytosis
Automated VAMP2-pHluroin exocytic dection (red) and rejected events (blue)
VAMP2-pHluorin mediated exocytosis over developmental time
Axon Turning
A gradient of DUB inhibitor induces repulsive axon turning
Colocalization of GFP-VASP and TRIM9deltaRING
FRAP of GFP-VASP at growth cone filopodia tip