Kimberly Lukasik, graduate student in the Cell Biology and Physiology Curriculum nailed her qualifying exam and is officially a PhD candidate. Congratulations Kimberly!
Category Archives: Lab Members
Stephanie talks at Dynamics of Cell Polarity GRC
Stephanie attends the Dynamics of Cell Polarity GRC in New London New Hampshire and talks about Laura McCormick’s beautiful thesis work
Summer Undergraduates
Elliot Evans (UNC), Amienata Fatajo (UNC) and Claire Ahomo (Georgia Tech) are in the lab this summer. Welcome to Elliot full time and welcome to new members Amienata and Clare.
Chris Ho awarded AHA fellowship!
Graduate student Chris Ho is awarded a two year fellowship from the American Heart Association to investigate Coronin 1A role in TRIM-mediated neuronal morphogenesis. Congratulations Chris!
ASCB 2021
The lab is representing at the annual meeting of the American Society of Cell Biology/EMBO meeting. Chris Ho is presenting a poster on his work, Laura McCormick is giving a subgroup talk and poster, and Charise White is presenting a poster and a short talk at the doorstep meeting.
Melissa’s Thesis work published in the Journal of Neuroscience
Melissa’s thesis work investigating the schrizophenia linked protein TSNARE1 was published in the Journal of Neuroscience. Melissa shows evidence that TSNARE1 localizes to and alters trafficking through the endolysosomal pathway. This has been such a fun project collaboratively between the Gupton and Brennwald labs that Melissa has driven. Congratulation Melissa!
AI/ML Collaboration with David Adalsteinnson
Stephanie, Ellen, and David are excited to have their collaboration funded by an AI/ML supplement from the NIH Office of the Director
Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy joins the Gupton Lab
We are excited to have Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy join the lab as a research associate, where she will work on membrane remodeling in developing neurons.
Stephanie presents at The Cytoskeleton of Neurons and Glia Virtual Seminar Series
Stephanie Gupton and Gaia Novarino present on July 1, 2021 at the virtual seminar series.
Mutalik’s new review is out!
Sampada Mutalik publishes a first author review on Glycosylation in Axonal Guidance